San Francisco, CA — On Thursday, May 9, 2024, in honor of National Affordable Housing Month, Mission Housing Development Corporation joined MEDA, the Plaza 16 Coalition, and over 100 community members at the 16th Street BART Plaza at 16th for a Community Celebration.
After a decade-long struggle, the community of the Mission celebrated a great victory in the development of the new affordable housing at 1979 Mission Street and the selection of Mission Housing and MEDA to lead the development of what will be the biggest 100% affordable housing development in the neighborhood's history.
"Mission Housing is honored to be a part of the development team at 1979 Mission Street. We share this joy with MEDA, and we're grateful to the community advocates who brought us together for this project," said Sam Moss, Mission Housing's Executive Director. "Mission Housing appreciates the work of our Board of Directors and staff — past and present — along with the numerous community advocates who are reflected in the Plaza 16 Coalition who made this victory for the Mission possible," said Marcia Contreras, Deputy Executive Director of Mission Housing.
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